Neobux the best PTC in the world Largest for-profit from the Internet
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عدد المساهمات : 1358 تاريخ الميلاد : 16/12/1985 تاريخ التسجيل : 04/01/2010 العمر : 38 الموقع : المزاج : الحمد لله كويس
موضوع: Neobux the best PTC in the world Largest for-profit from the Internet الثلاثاء 22 يونيو - 1:01
Before we begin you have to register on AlertPay, or PayPal. I prefer the PayPal. But it's your decision. Let's move on.
Then click register in the upper right corner. (If you are already registered skip this part)
You have to fill in:
Click on the banner
Or click on the following link
Let's go for explanation
USERNAME - this is your nickname. Just put your favorite nickname.
PASSWORD - this is very important. So take your time and figure out something good.
PASSWORD CONFIRMATION - repeat the password again. EMAIL - put your email. Make sure it's real, so you can confirm it later. ALERTPAY/PAYPAL EMAIL - put the email of the PayPal/AlertPay account that you have created. REFERER - put the username of user that has referred you.
BIRTH YEAR - your birth year IMAGE VERIFICATION - type the letters on picture
Click continue after that.
Before you can continue, you have to confirm your email. Just go to your mail and click the link in mail that you recieved.
Then login at NeoBux and click your username. You'll get this screen (BTW, when you login leave the secondary password blank, or it won't work) :
You probably don't know anything. So let me explain.
View Advertisements : thats the most important thing on NeoBux. We'll explain that later on. The number after shows the number of unviewed adds.
Chat : chat with members of NeoBux.
Forum : news about NeoBux.
After your username you have amount of money. Man with cap (maybe you don't have it) - shows the direct referrals stats.
Man with blond hair (maybe you don't have it) - shows the rented referrals stats.
Chart - referral stats.
Mail - you can receive and send messages.
Upgrade - upgrade your account tor receive more money.
Advertise - you can advertise your own things, but you have to pay.
Referrals - rent referrals (they click for you)
You have some stats in the middle, and options on the left.
Now click the View Advertisements button. Let's get to business.
As you see you have some links with stars. Click on any of them and then click the circle that appear. It should open a new window. Wait that the bar fills up. You'll get a message that money has been added. Then click the other advertisements and so on. Don't click more than one advertisement at a time. Do this every day.
Now must I teach you only how to rent referrals. Before renting check the strategies! Go to your account and click on Renting Balance. Then select the way you want to put money on your Renting Balance. Add you money, then go back to your account and click the big green button [b]REFERRALS. Select how many referrals you want to rent. And you're done. Don't forget to check the referrals every day. You can change your referrals if they don't click. It costs you 7 cents. And don't forget to pay them after they run out of days.
When you want to cash out just click the [b]YOUR PAYMENT button.
Now the last thing : basic strategies
Don't rent until you have $1.5, or you'll run out of money
Don't just click until you got $2 and then cash out. Put that money in refs.
First thing after renting is to turn on the AutoPay(under rented referrals)
Keep renting referrals until you have 500 of them.
Then wait untill you get enough money to buy Premium.
Then just continue renting...
You can made up to $50 or even more per day!
That's $1500 per month!
Neobux the best PTC in the world Largest for-profit from the Internet